Release Process


  1. main branch for production

  2. develop branch for active development

  3. feature/[feature-name] branches for new features

  4. hotfix/[issue-name] branches for hotfixes


  1. Create release branch from develop prefixed by release/[version], for example: release/1.0.0

  2. Bump version based on release

  3. Generate a changelog file

  4. Commit all change to release branch with tag on it

  5. Create a pull request from the release branch to master: release/1.0.0 -> master


Case 1: hotfix needed on master branch

  1. Crete hotfix branch from master prefixed by hotfix/[issu-name], for example: hotfix/1-fix-user-creation

  2. Fix the issue

  3. Bump patch version, so if the version is 1.0.0 it will be bumped as 1.0.1 and commit

  4. Commit all change to the hotfix branch

  5. Generate changelog file

  6. Create a pull request from the hotfix branch to master: hotfix/1-fix-user-creation -> master

  7. Create a pull request from the hotfix branch to develop: hotfix/1-fix-user-creation -> develop

Case 2: hotfix needed on release/[version] branch, for example: release/1.0.0

  1. Pull the related release branch: release/1.0.0

  2. Fix the issue and commit changes

  3. Generate changelog file

  4. Push changes

  5. Create a pull request from the release branch to develop: release/1.0.0 -> develop